You are only a short call away from your trial version!
✅ 20 free analyses
✅ 20 seconds per analysis
✅No credit card information needed
✅ Full functionality
✅ 100% Model performance
✅ 20 free analyses
✅ 20 seconds per analysis
✅No credit card information needed
✅ Full functionality
✅ 100% Model performance
We know that it can be exhausting not to simply jump straight into the software.
But we have good reasons.
Your appointment will not be a sales call or an initial meeting. It's really about your registration.
So far, our software has easy but specific requirements for the uploaded images.
To ensure that you get the best results and therefore the most value from your software test, we would like to show you the technical requirements for the images.
So that you also get realistic results when testing.